Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Great White SHARK.... So I thought...

I thought I wanted to work in the business world and that I was going to do whatever it took to make it to the top. I also thought I could be cold, calculating and manipulative to survive in the business world. Well, I learned differently when I taught a group of twenty-eight fifth grade students. How ironic, I was the teacher yet the children taught me to become a warm, caring and thoughtful person. I give credit where its due and I am grateful and appreciative that my life swung in a different direction because of these beautiful children.

The many lives that I have positively impacted will be all the recognition and reward that I will ever need. Being an educator has given me a real purpose in life where I feel fulfilled, satisfied and happy. I will continue to make decisions that are crucial to the future of this country as I prepare students to survive in this ever dynamic and changing global world.

After years of doing what I do best and what I love to do, I found a book that summed up my true calling. I encourage you to read, "The Alchemist" by Paulo de Coelho. It is a friendly and easy to read book but the message is powerful.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Globaloria Training Day 1

Today we have learned new terminology and technology related tasks that will help me understand Globaloria.